Welcome to Lijun Cheng Lab Pages

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, Ohio State University (OSU)

Welcome to Lijun Cheng Lab Pages


Lijun Cheng Ph.D

01/2018-, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, Ohio State University (OSU)


Computational precision medicine and drug development

The new AI mathematical methods development for drug response and side-effects predictions in precision medicine.

Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance/disease progression and efficacy therapeutics identification combating drug resistance in cancer.

Breakthrough in molecular mechanism of disease progression and drug resistance

Latest funding granted in molecular mechanism and drug development



Precision Medicine System, DRPM interactive website platform

TrilogPM platform for precision medicine– “the right treatment, for the right patient, at the right time.”

SCNrank platform, for therapeutic targets identification in cancer by a large screening CRISPR-Cas9 guidance

XDeath for therapeutic target identification to induce cell death— an interactive platform based on shinyapps cloud.

XDeathDB– an intertact website on shinyapps cloud for programmed cell death and crosstalk search engine

DGCyTOF package — Deep learning visualization for single cell subtype identification

Bi-EB package — biclustering method based on empirical bayesian



Dr. Cheng’s complete list of published work can be accessed in MyBibliography and google scholar (Dr.Cheng has published 46 peer reviewed journal papers and 16 proceedings papers and 3 books. She obtained 5 authorized patents and 2 software copyrights. )


Dr.Cheng contribution to science mainly exists in three aspects (list typical 4 papers):

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) graph neural network learning models for pattern recognition tasks

Dr.Cheng has developed several graph neural network and learning models and applying them in primary open-angle glaucoma identification by dynamic images analysis, therapeutic target identification from membrane protein interaction networks , and predictive biomarkers identification to chemotherapy response in sarcoma patients. Influence of findings: these AI methods led to a new theory system in machine learning and make these identification task speed fast and accuracy improvement sharply in big data mining. All these finding is published on top tie artificial neural network and learning journals. 1.) IEEE Transaction on neural network and learning systems (impact factor, 11.683). 2.) Neurocomputing (impact factor, 4.38), 3) BMC Medicine Genomics (impact factor, 3.17).

2. Optimal drug-combination identification

Dr.Cheng developed system biology models to identify effective drug combination treatment for these patients with resistance and metastasis by signaling pathway rewiring mechanism. Her calculational model system got extensive validation and application in different collaborative universities, such as Indiana University and Kentucky University in United State. These studies published on the top tie cancer journals, such as the Cancer Research (impact factor 12.8), Oncogene (impact factor, 8.6), Cancer (impact factor, 5.742), the Journal of Biological Chemistry (impact factor 4.238). The selected paper associated to the research lists as the following:

3. Drug repurpose: optimal therapeutic targets identification

Dr.Cheng has developed several system biology optimization methods for therapeutic targets identification and associated effective drug recommendation for cancer. Systematic network analysis on cancer patients has multiple potential biological and clinical applications. A better understanding of the effects of gene/protein interaction may lead to the identification of cancer genes and correlated pathways, which, in turn, may offer better targets for drug development in cancer treatment. An optimizing subnetwork searching of drug targets algorithms is developed for drug targets selection, such as IODNE for triple negative breast cancer and SCNrank for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Associated study results are published on the top tie biomedicial journals, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (impact factor, 4.112), BMC Medicine Genomics (impact factor, 3.17) and Genes (impact factor, 2.984).